Sunday, October 17, 2010

Of all the memories..Family pictures are up there!!

So we decided or maybe I should say "I" decided that we needed to get updated family pictures now that Maddie is 7 months old (god it hurts to even type can she be 7 months already???).  The last time that we thought that family pictures were a good idea..Gracie was 3 years old and Brady boy was 6 ended up with me in tears and Gracie jumping into the water at Lilly lake..LOL.  I had these great thoughts that we would have very well behaved kids sitting quietly with perfect little was tragic!!!  To top it all off we thought that it would be a great idea to bring our dog (Sushi Montgomery III)what in CHRIST was I thinking??  Bring a dog that suffers from anxiety to a fall photo shoot...he ended up getting covered in mud and jumping all over me..ANYWAYS I cried on the way home and SWORE that I would never..ever...never..ever.....get pictures done again until the kids were graduating from high school and that Martin Flewelling had to deal with them! So I guess I'm a sucker for punishment because we loaded up the kids today (minus the anxiety filled pug) and took off and hoped for the BEST!!!  To be honest we added another baby to the mix and my kids PULLED IT OFF...I'm talking these kids could have been SEARS models today...smiling...sitting pretty...except Brady had the need to either give the peace sign or thumbs up in each and every picture...who the heck CARES!!  I honestly think it's the way that you build things want each and everything to go perfect and your kids act they are are SPAWNS and when you just take it for what it is...things actually turn out!!  I posted a few pics from the first attempt of family photo's and god love our photographer (Stephanie Kemp) would never know by the pictures but to look at those photo's hanging up on our still makes me laugh!!  I will post new family soon as we get them back...cross your fingers that they turned out!!!  Heather :)
 This is the picture that cracks me up because Gracie was honestly at our feet..kicking/screaming/crying...but..look how happy we look....CRIPES!!!!
 There we have ladies and can see's Gracie's breaking point and poor Brady..he doesn't know what the heck is going
This was Sushi Montgomery III...last photo shoot!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

It's official....I'm a BLOGGER!!!

Lately I have realized that your newborn baby (just hours old) can turn into a 6 month in a blink of an eye and your first born is hopping onto a school bus for her first day or kindergarten and your middle child that you honestly felt just got done video recording his first steps is running into the house..covered in MUD and asking for a hug!! Where does the time honestly go?????  So this is why I started to BLOG..not for my family...not for my friends but for me to look back and remember my three babies when they were small and all the memories that we are going to create.  I honestly have enough to write a book...the red head  keeps me on my toes like you couldn't IMAGINE!!!  So please be patient...I'm just learning!!  AHHHHH...I did it!!!  My first POST!!!  Thanks Mama Lavigne

Miss. Maddie workin the CRAWL!!! In a blink of an eye!!!

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